Field Safety Rules Download.
These sites are accessible only to registered PBM RC Club Members due to AMA and club safety regulations. To become a member please contact the club. New members will receive a membership card and should seek assistance from an experienced club member to get started off in the right direction at the flying field.
Visitors and guests are welcome but there must be an active member at the field. We allow guest flyers 3 visits before we ask them to join the club.
The Pine Barren Modelers fly at the following sites in the Southern New Jersey area:
Berkeley Veterans Flying Field – located across from the Berkeley Court House, Pinewald Keswick Road. UPDATE-This field is now CLOSED due to a solar farm project. We recommend everyone fly at the Johnson’s Pit Field.
Johnson’s Pit Field – located off of Locker Street in Bayville, NJ. Behind the Spirits Liquor on RT.9 -FAA FRIA Approved Site

Cam link for bookmark.
Weather link for bookmark.
Off RT.9 in Berkley Twp. Turn down Gladney Ave then make a right onto Locker ST. Go half way down and turn left into the gate. Follow signs for parking.

GPS Latitude: 39.930869
GPS Longitude: -74.181722
– The entrance to the flying site is locked and membership is required to gain access to the code. If the gates are open, visitors and quests are welcome.
– The site is located on an old asphalt facility and the runway is set on a paved 700′ long roadway. The smooth surface of the runway is 300′ long by 40′ wide.
– When entering the site, prior to crossing the paved runway, vehicles are required to stop and blow their horns. Once safe, you will be waved in by members on the site.
– NOTE: Last member to leave, please lock the gate by putting our lock through the townships lock (through link then the township lock, not link to link) The township must be able to access the area when needed.
–Live view of the Field. Hit play. Image will upload every 30seconds hit refresh in your browser.
Coyle Field – located on Route 72 near Chatsworth, NJ
FAA FRIA Approved Site

Cam link for bookmark.

GPS Latitude: 39.8182516
GPS Longitude: -74.4246617
– From the East:Take Rt. 72 West to between the 10 and 11 mile markers.
-When you enter the field use the big double gate that is at the end of the Taxi way. (see pic above it is just before forest fire sign, when heading west on rt72). It is the middle gate of the three. Don’t use the small gate with the stop sign or the big gate by the hangers. Be sure to CLOSE THE GATE behind you. Drive down the taxi way turn left at center and cross the runway. DON’T DRIVE DOWN THE RUNWAY. Park in front of the benches. Watch for Full Scale planes. When everyone leaves. The last person out MUST LOCK THE GATE behind you. Make sure our combo lock is in series on the chain to the State’s key lock. Remember it is the state that sets the rules at this field and we must abide by them. Fly Safe
Coyle Field Rules
- Pilot and helper must be alert for full scale aircraft or helicopters, both fire and National Gaurd.
- Stay clear and land as soon as possible.
- At times field may be closed by Fire Service Personnel, Field Saftey Officer, or club officers durning fire emergencies or training activities.
- The State Fire Service hangar is straight out from the flight line. Please stay away from hangar area as helicopters take off and land from this area